Uncorked Read online

  This book is fictional. The names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


  Copyright © 2013 by Rebecca Rohman.

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  ISBN 978-1478248262

  Book & Cover Design By Mariposa Designs


  Cover Artwork Copyright © 2013 by

  Mariposa Designs LLC


  To My Family


  To Will, Cherise, Shannon & Laura

  Will, thank you for always supporting me through my myriad of ideas, hopes and dreams – no matter how crazy they may seem.

  Cherise, I could never thank you enough for your never- ending support as my friend, and your assistance in making this book a reality.

  Shannon, you were the very first person to ever lay eyes on this book, thank you for your help and support even though it might have been so many eons ago you can’t remember…

  Last and by no means least, Laura. Thank you for your support, commitment and hard work on this book. I will forever be grateful to you. No words will ever describe how thankful I am to you for all that you have done in helping me see this project through.

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter One

  It was a warmer than usual early December morning when Chella Noon walked into the office in a fantastic mood. She was sure it would be a great day. Her job at international conglomerate, Sheyenne International was her life, and she did not make time for anything other than the occasional drink with her two friends Kacy and Vicky, both of whom were married with lives of their own.

  A woman with no family could afford such dedication. At some point, the time was bound to come when she wanted more, something substantial and deep to fulfill her—a husband and child…

  Her chest tightened at the memory. A child, she could forget about.

  She was following up on emails when her boss, Craig, stopped by her office.

  “Good morning, Chella. You’re early this morning.”

  “Hello, Craig. I came early so I could leave early. The girls and I are meeting at Humphreys tonight to celebrate Vicky’s birthday.”

  “Sounds like fun, but I would have happily given you the afternoon off. As a matter a fact, I insist you take the rest of the day off. Maybe those girlfriends of yours might be able to set you up with some handsome eligible bachelor.”

  “I don’t need them to set me up. I can find dates on my own.”

  “Chella, it’s been years. Your parents wouldn’t want you living like this. You spend more time here than anyone in this office—including me—and I’m your boss.”

  Craig Spencer had mostly been like a father to Chella after her parents died at the age of eighteen. Three years after they’d moved to the U.S. from the island of St. Lucia where she grew up, her parents were killed in a tragic car accident. Ten years later, she thrived in the cosmetic division of Craig’s company, Sheyenne International, after working and going to college full time. Craig and his wife Maggie had been golf buddies with her parents. Craig gave her her first job and counseled her through her professional life as the years went by. He looked at her as the daughter he never had.

  “This has nothing to do with them. And I like this office, thank you very much. I love my job.”

  “Are you sure? I’d never question your commitment to your work, but sometimes I think you hide behind it. Chella, they’d want you to be happy. I want you to be happy. Nothing would please me more to see you in a loving relationship.”

  “I am happy. By the way, I finished those reports you needed. They’re on your desk. What else did you need today?”

  Laughing, he responded, “Trying to change the subject are we? Nothing! I need nothing! You just wrap up and get out of here. You deserve it.”

  The three friends, Chella Noon, Vicky Baracle and Kacy Williams, met occasionally for a drink, especially on Friday nights, but tonight was special. They chose to celebrate Vicky’s birthday at Humphreys, a lovely waterside restaurant located on Shelter Island in San Diego. The complex included a hotel, concert venue, and restaurant. Chella lived in a suite at the hotel, making it home for the last year and a half. It was a short walk past colorful koi ponds, and white and orange bromeliad flowers escorted her through the beautifully manicured grounds along the way.

  Humphreys was elegant. White tablecloths glowed in the candlelight. Beyond the floor to ceiling windows were views of Shelter Island Marina. The setting sun cast a warm yellow-orange glow on all the boats in the bay. Live jazz from The W.E.S. Group filled the air.

  The girls wrapped up sooner than expected at the spa. They arrived a little early at the restaurant and sat at the bar to sip drinks until their table was ready.

  It was warm outside, and the cute little number Chella picked up in a quaint dress shop a few months earlier was perfect. She had immediately fallen in love with the dress, the way the soft fabric felt against her skin and drooped over her curves. The brown chiffon complemented her caramel-colored skin, and the short length exposed her long, slender legs. She completed the outfit with a sexy pair of gold glitter and leather Jimmy Choo ‘Loila’ sandals. After some work with the flat iron, her once-curly hair was now straight and placed in an elegant low ponytail to the back of her head. With a touch of make-up, she was ready to celebrate.

  Vicky and Kacy’s husbands, Jason and Paul would meet up with them a little later.

  “So Jason’s cousin, Christy, is going to join us for dinner,” said Vicky, taking a sip from her mojito. “She just flew in from Santa Monica this afternoon.”

  “Thank God,” Chella replied. “If I have to be your fifth wheel one more time I think I’ll go crazy.”

  Kacy responded with a smirk on her face, her blue eyes sparkling. “You know, you could fix that easily by getting yourself a boyfriend or at least dating every once in a while.”

  “Let’s not go there again, please. A man would just complicate my life right now.”

  “Don’t you think that excuse is getting a little old?” said Vicky.

  You two have no idea…

  “She’s right, Chella. I know that you don’t want to talk about it, but whatever this bad experience was from your past—Sweetie—it’s holding you back.”

  “Would you two just drop it? We go through this every time we get together with your husbands. I am perfectly happy on my own. When the time is right, I’ll find someone.”

  “Right…” Kacy and Vicky chorused.

  “Furthermore, I will be the one to decide when that time will be, so butt ou

  “Fine, fine. But just so you know, if you need help in that department—”

  “Yes, yes, I know,” Chella interrupted. “You know plenty of men you can set me up with.”

  “That’s right.” Vicky said, smiling. She reached for Chella’s hand. “We just want you to be happy.”

  “And what makes you believe that I’m not?”

  Vicky and Kacy looked at her in silence, both with pitiful looks on their faces.

  “Don’t look at me that way. I’m not your charity case. Look, we’re supposed to be celebrating your birthday. Let’s talk about something fun and exciting. Does your husband know what you’ve done to your hair?”

  “You’re a pro at avoidance,” Kacy said.

  “You’re the psychologist. Is that what you call it, Dr. Williams?” Chella responded, her voice loaded with sarcasm.

  “Jason has no clue. He thinks we all went to the spa for manis-pedis and facials.”

  “And you decide to chop off all your hair and go from blond to black. I have to admit it looks awesome.”

  “Don’t worry, he’ll love it. He thinks short haircuts are hot.” Vicky laughed as she winked her gray eyes at them.

  “Is that so?” Kacy replied.

  “He does. Watch and see,” Vicky said.

  The girls had just finished their first round of drinks when the server came over to let them know their table was ready. As they were seated, the guys walked in. A stranger accompanied them—a man. It appeared that Chella had been set up after all. He was the perfect cliché: tall, dark and handsome. Even from afar, he had an incredible smile that caught Chella’s eye. Then she remembered someone had lied to her. She glared at Vicky across the table and was about to say something, but the guys arrived at the table and she fell silent.

  Jason absolutely loved Vicky’s new ‘do. After making a fuss over her, they all exchanged hugs and kisses. Jason introduced the newcomer.

  “Mitch, you remember Vicky, my beautiful wife, and Paul’s wife, Kacy.”

  “How could I forget? Hello, ladies. Happy birthday, Vicky. This is for you,” Mitch said, handing her a gift bag and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Mitch. That’s kind of you. Wow, this is heavy. Thanks,” Vicky replied, and slipped the bag beside her.

  Jason continued the introductions. “And I’d like you to meet Chella Noon. Chella this is Mitch Mariani. Mitch and I were roommates in college.”

  Mitch turned his attention completely to Chella.

  He was gorgeous. His eyes were a mixture of hazel and green, and his jaw was rugged and manly. His lips curved into a sexy smile. He took her soft hands into his, looking directly at her as his eyes dazzled. His dark hair framed his face, and her gaze was drawn to his sweet lips.

  “Chella, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, his deep voice snapping her back to the present.

  “Same here,” she replied with a sensual smile. He’s sexy and he knows it!

  As they took their seats at the table, Vicky and Kacy both sat next to their husbands, leaving Chella and Mitch to sit across from each other at one end of the rectangular-shaped table.

  While taking her seat, she could not help but overhear Mitch quietly talking to Jason, their bodies both slightly turned away from the table,

  “So this is your idea of a big dinner party?” whispered Mitch.

  “Yeah, of course,” said Jason. “I think six of us are a big group, don’t you?”

  “Subjective is the word, right?”

  “Right. Don’t you think she’s cute?”

  “She is, but I wish you told me what you were doing.”

  “Why? So you’d find an excuse not to come.”

  “Contrary to what you might think, I’m completely capable of handling my own affairs.”

  “I’m aware of that, but I just wanted to get things in gear.”

  “Right.” Mitch responded then looked across in Chella’s direction. His gaze collided with hers.

  She’d been caught eavesdropping. She quickly looked away, completely flushed with embarrassment.

  Chella was not amused at being set up. She glanced at Vicky and Kacy, but they simply returned her annoyed look with innocent smiles. Knowing it wouldn’t be appropriate, and not wanting to complicate an already uncomfortable situation, she decided it was best to brush it aside and try to enjoy the night.

  After the appetizers, Kacy got a phone call and had to leave because she had an emergency with a patient. Both she and Paul quickly said their goodbyes.

  After the entrees, Jason got a call saying the alarm at his boat rental office on Coronado Island had gone off. Mitch and Chella told them they’d take care of the bill, and Vicky and Jason left, too.

  “I hope everything will be okay,” said Chella.

  “Me, too,” Mitch replied, chuckling. “I’m not so sure our friends are being honest with us, though. It seems a little convenient.”

  “I have my suspicions, but I’m not so sure they’d go that far. Especially on Vicky’s birthday.”

  “I was under the impression that I was attending a much bigger dinner party with lots of people.”

  “And I was under the impression that Jason’s cousin Christy was the sixth person attending. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw…” Mr. Sex God “you,” Chella replied, laughing.

  “Well, I have to admit, despite the fact that I had no clue I was being set up, I’m glad I met you. You have this way of commanding one’s attention.”

  Charming! “Is that so?” She replied, blushing from ear to ear.

  “You do. You’re beautiful, in more ways than one, from what I can tell.”

  As are you. “Are you this charming with all the girls? Or have you reserved that especially for me?” Shit… I actually said that aloud…

  “It’s the truth. I have no hidden agenda, Chella. Why do I get the feeling you don’t trust my kind too much?”

  Until then, she had managed to keep eye contact with him, but when he blatantly asked her the question, she glanced away, opting to look at the view instead. The conversation turned from playful to serious, and she needed to change that—fast. Trusting a man she just met with painful details of her complicated past did not seem like a bright idea, no matter how attracted she was to him.

  Smiling, she completely ignored his question and moved into safer territory. “So tell me more. Earlier you mentioned your company brought you to San Diego?”

  “Yes. For years I partnered at a commercial real estate firm in Santa Monica. Once that relationship disintegrated, and my partner offered to buy me out, I agreed. Soon after, an opportunity came up here for me to own my company, so I took it. Now I’m here.”

  “That’s great. Do you like it here?”

  “From what I’ve seen, yes. I haven’t seen too much yet. I’m just settling in from my move. This is the first time I’ve been to Shelter Island. It’s beautiful here.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m so lucky to be able to call it home. I hope you get to see more of San Diego soon. There are some really beautiful spots, especially on the coast.”

  “I hope so,” Mitch said. “So tell me about yourself. What do you do?”

  “I’m an Assistant Marketing Manager for the cosmetic division of Sheyenne International.”

  “Sounds exciting.”

  “It is. It keeps me on my feet.”

  “And what do you do for fun?”

  “I love tennis, both playing and watching. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and I love to read. You?”

  “That’s funny. I’m heading out for a match with a colleague tomorrow. Would you like to join me?”

  Surprised by his invitation, she started to think of all the reasons she shouldn’t. She didn’t want to risk being seen with him, but the words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Sure, what time?” Damn. Did I just say that out loud? I have to start watching my mouth around this man. Looks like I’m Miss Loose Lips around him...

bsp; “Around eleven? I have a rental right now, but I have to pick up my new car tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t make me late.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she responded, taking a fortifying sip of champagne.

  “I have a better idea. Why don’t I pick you up earlier? You can come with me to pick up the car, and then we could go play tennis. Afterward, you could give me a tour of the city—if you don’t have any plans, that is.”

  “Sure, that would be great.” What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? You barely know the guy for a couple of hours and already you’re going bumming around with him in the morning? “I don’t have any plans. We’ll make a day of it,” Chella replied. Then again, he can’t be that bad. Paul and Jason are his friends! He and Jason were roommates at college for two years… and they wouldn’t try to set me up with some asshole either… they know better! I hope…

  “Well, we’d better get going. We have a long day ahead of us.” Mitch flashed Chella a charming smile.

  “I guess we should,” she replied.

  As he got up, he assisted her with her jacket. His hand brushed against her neck.

  Chella felt a flicker of nerves. Goose bumps raced along her skin, and she was certain her nipples hardened. She was grateful she had the coat on to hide the effect this man had on her.

  “Do you have a car?” asked Mitch. “Are you going to be okay getting home?”

  “I have a suite here.”

  “Really? That’s an interesting living arrangement. I thought this was a hotel?”

  “It is,” She replied, slightly apprehensive, knowing the true reason she had opted for this type of living arrangement.

  “May I walk you to your door?”

  “Sure, if you like.”

  “I’d be more than happy to. Come on, let’s get you home.”

  They started toward her second floor suite. Along the sidewalk, they ran into a woman who seemed to be having a problem with her daughter’s stroller wheel.

  “Need help?” Mitch asked the woman.

  “That would be great thanks,” said the woman. “It’s jammed or something. It won’t move.”